Soteria Worldwide Retirement Plan

Soteria Worldwide - The International Retirement Plan

Soteria Worldwide is a tax-recognised pension and retirement plan. It has been designed to help members look to the future and prepare for retirement. This retirement plan is available to all nationalities, and as long as you have an employment relationship, you can make either lump-sum or monthly contributions to this tax-efficient, international pension plan.

Any investments within Soteria Worldwide enjoy Capital Gains Tax-free rollup throughout their lifetime. In addition, retirement income can be paid tax-free to members who are resident in one of 50 listed countries, thanks to Hong Kong’s double taxation agreements.

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Any investments within Soteria Worldwide enjoy Capital Gains Tax-free rollup throughout their lifetime.

Who should consider
Soteria Worldwide?

Modern and globally mobile employees need to plan for their retirement. Soteria Worldwide offers those who qualify for membership the opportunity to do so. Soteria Worldwide provides tax freedom on investment growth, tax freedom at retirement and tax freedom to your beneficiaries on death.


Benefits of
Soteria Worldwide Retirement Plan

  • Available to all nationalities, living anywhere in the world, engaged in any occupation, employed or self-employed
  • Available as a corporate or individual solution
  • Accepts regular and lump sum contributions from members
  • Offers open architecture – including the acquisition of property
  • Tax-efficient - Capital Gains Tax deferral during accumulation
  • No Inheritance Tax on death
  • Multi-generation legacy planning
  • Provides 100% creditor protection
  • Can be used by companies as a Group Retirement Plan
  • Soteria Worldwide is a globally recognised Occupational Retirement Plan
  • Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA) compliant

Soteria Worldwide Plan Guide


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