Category: Expat Tax Planning

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Year-End Estate Plan Review for HK Expats 

The end of the year presents an excellent opportunity to look back at those significant life events in the past 12 months and assess their impact on your estate plan. This is also an ideal time to ensure your plan remains current and aligned with your primary goals.   When and why revisions might be needed …
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What is Business Relief and how does it apply to IHT? 

Do you want to support grassroots businesses in the UK? Did you know that you can also benefit from certain tax reliefs by doing so? One such relief is Business Relief (BR), an often overlooked but valuable tool for any business owner or investor looking to reduce their inheritance tax bill.  What is Business Relief? …
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The Taxman Cometh: UK Government Collects £2.6bn in Inheritance Tax  

Today, we consider a topic that is uncomfortable for some and even taboo for others. It’s a topic that we see and hear about every day of our lives and an event that happens to everyone at some point.   Some modern-day philosophers say only three things are ‘guaranteed’ in this life: death, divorce and…
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Retiring abroad? Here’s how British expats can ensure tax-efficiency during their retirement!

Learn about the tax and residency rules and considerations for UK retirees abroad. Find out how to minimize taxes on pensions, navigate capital gains tax, plan for wealth tax, and prepare for any inheritance tax liabilities that arise. Choose a country with a low or favourable tax regime as your retirement destination whenever possible. Discover…
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Unlock the Benefits of a QNUPS in These Three Retirement Scenarios 

Retirement can be a time to relax, but it can also be stressful, especially if you haven’t adequately prepared for it financially. So many unexpected things can happen during your golden years, all eating into your existing provisions and leaving you short. Changes in your general health and healthcare and increasing living costs, to name…
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Half of UK’s Millionaires Have Done No IHT Planning At All

Inheritance Tax (IHT) is not a popular topic of conversation, but it’s an essential one. IHT is a tax that applies to people’s assets when they die, and if you’re not careful, it can significantly reduce (40% after allowances) the value of the assets you leave behind for your loved ones. Unfortunately, just under half of…
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HMRC wins IHT case over location of domicile of choice

Are you aware of the latest ruling from HM Revenue & Customs regarding Inheritance Tax (IHT) and domicile? In the recent decision, HMRC brought a court claim against an individual they believed had wrongfully listed their father’s domicile as being outside of the United Kingdom to avoid paying IHT. All those paying or expecting to…
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Lasting Powers of Attorney: What they can do for you

It’s common knowledge that setting up an estate plan while you are alive allows your wishes to be easily followed after death. What isn’t commonly discussed, however, is how Lasting Powers of Attorney can provide peace of mind during your lifetime. These particularly important documents apply only whilst you are alive and are totally separate…
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Will Writing – A step by step guide

Writing a will is an important part of ensuring that your assets and belongings are properly distributed after passing. It can be a daunting and overwhelming task if you don’t have all the necessary information—but it’s also one of the most crucial steps for ensuring that your loved ones are taken care of in the…
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Why do you need an Estate Plan?

Are you familiar with estate planning? Whether this term is new to you or something that’s on your radar already, the reality is that it’s an important concept for anyone, especially if you have young children and other loved ones, as well as assets of a reasonable value. Creating an estate plan doesn’t have to…
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